Friday, April 22, 2011

family face book

Eva got lucky and scored two spots :)

I saw this cute idea somewhere. I feel bad I can't give credit to someone but it's pretty simple. Living far from family and with everyone adding on spouses and children it can be hard to remember and learn names! I thought this was a fun, simple way to let the kids put a "name" to a "face". I plan on printing these photos in 4x6 and putting them in a little cheap photo album for them to thumb through at church or in the car!

If any of you want copies, let me know! It will save you some time in PS :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chevron Artwork

Okay! So i wanted to make my house feel more updated, and I have been obsessed with chevron (zig-zag) as of late. I decided to make my own artwork and paint a chevron canvas.

All i did was..
Buy a canvas at michaels and two colors of cheap acrylic pain (or just one if you want one of the colors to be white). i got a dark greige (grey/beige) and a light ivory. i divided the width of the canvas by 4 (because it was easy) and marked it off on the top and bottom of the canvas. I then made 6 marks along the side, each an equal distance apart. At every mark on the side of the canvas, I went across and made a mark under the marks at the top/bottom of the canvas. So i made a grid-type thing. i then connected the dots...the first mark on the side with the first mark on the top, then then went across the canvas going up and down. I did that for all rows. Then I taped along the lines I made when i connected the dots and framed the three grey rows. I painted a few coats and let it dry completely. I then taped off the opposite lines and painted the cream. 
Did that make any sense at all???? please ask if you have any questions!!

Butterfly Mobile!

As you know, I become a crafting queen as of late. :) My latest project was a little mobile for Ruby. I have been drooling over this one from pottery barn and couldn't muster up the will/means to pay $90+ for it. Luckily, Katie felt the same way and was planning to make one too. So...we both made a little mobile for our little girls!  Now I am not by any means a huge butterfly fan (insert Mariah joke here), but I think it looks so air-y and simple! 

Here it is the final product! 

It was very easy (albeit time consuming) to make! Here's what we did...
We bought: and embroidery hoop for the ring (and just used the circle without the fastener), invisible thread, a needle, a butterfly paper punch, and cardstock or scrapbook paper.

1. Use a paper punch to punch out butterflies. Slightly bend the butterflies in the middle so they look like they are flying.
2. Create a criss cross with two threads across the width of your circle. These are the main threads you will tie the rest of the dangling threads with butterflies on. 
3. Cut a piece of clear thread as long as you think you want the longest middle string to be. Tie a triple knot at the end and thread on a butterfly. A few inches up, tie another knot and thread another butterfly on. My middle thread had 6 butterflies and was about 18 inches long. Tie this thread to the middle of your criss cross.
4. Start on the  second row of butterflies. I just did one less butterfly with each row. So this row had 5 butterflies. You need four of these threads. Tie one onto each branch of the criss cross about and inch from the middle.
5. Create another row of 4 threads each with 4 butterflies. Tie them on about and inch from the previous row. 
6. Now, make four rows of 3 butterflies for the last row. This row should be right about where the criss cross thread meets the ring. 
7. Now, in between the criss cross rows, tie on four rows on four butterflies. I did 4 butterflies so that it would cover up the "bald spot" better. 
7. I then tied 3 threads around the ring, joined them together, and then tied a long one to the three to hang it up with. I just tied a loop on the thread and stapled it to the roof! 

Hope that made any sense! Please ask any questions if you need clarification!